Become a
10X manager
in just Six weeks

Learn the best of what leaders at Google, Amazon, and hundreds of successful scaleups are already doing to increase their impact and scale through their teams - and how to adapt it for your context!

What's a 10x Manager?

You've heard of a 10X Software Developer, but a 10X Manager?While I can't measure this numerically, that's the order of magnitude of the increase in impact I've seen between managers who use this approach and managers who don't. And it's aligned with what managers I've worked with, and their managers, report back to me.Your impact as a manager is highly leveraged. You affect the engagement and effort level of your whole team, as well as the direction they are going in, and how the value is delivered to and assessed by the organisation.An average manager may increase the value of their teams work by just 10-20%.A 10X manager doubles, triples, or more the value of their teams work.In just four weeks though?You won't get to 10X in four weeks, but you will be amazed at how quickly this approach creates impact. And what's more, it creates increasing impact that grows as you continue working with it. The first four weeks are just the beginning, and the benefits compound.

How do I do this?

Most managers know their trade well, and have spent a lot of time developing their soft skills. That's how they got promoted.But how many actually have a system for how to operate as a manager?

  • How to build and develop a team?

  • How to collect and use data, make a strategy, set goals, build a plan, and run weekly meetings that don't suck?

  • How to systematically turn that into career growth for them and their team?

The answer: not many.But you can.

  • High Performing Team: Build a high performing team - the engine that makes everything happen.

  • Execution Flywheel: Create unstoppable momentum by focusing your teams' effort.

  • Career Growth: Use the impact you create to get access to the best opportunities.

Start with Your Execution Flywheel

Yes, the high performing team is the foundation, but it takes a while to build it and see the benefits, and most people need to get results faster than that with the teams they have in place now. Based on experience, I start with the Execution Flywheel, because even with a low performing team, you will see benefits immediately - and with this structured approach, you will gain the insights and confidence to be better able to build the high performing team.I've adapted the Execution Flywheel from the best of what I've learnt in nearly two decades working at Google and Amazon, with executive teams of successful scaleups, and my own extensive study. Every successful manager I've seen uses these five components together to build unstoppable momentum.

The Execution Flywheel has five components, each feeding into the next and working to accelerate the whole.

  • Data: Metrics and feedback about the value you are creating for your customers and stakeholders.

  • Strategy: A clearly stated approach that you will use to guide how you create value.

  • Goals: The problems you will solve this quarter, and how you define success in solving them.

  • Plans: Your current plan for solving the problems and allocating resources.

  • Execution: The regular cadence of actions that makes sure you deliver your goals.

I've distilled all this into a set of action-based tools that you can use with your team immediately, and set yourself up for developing a high performance team.

Scaleup Leaders accelerator

Scaleup Leaders Accelerator is a four week program where you will work with me and with a group of your peers to implement your own customised version of the Scaleup Leaders Operating System including your Execution Flyweel, and get you ready to kick ass in the next quarter.

Q3 2024 Cohort Starts on 11 June

Ideally suited to:

  • New managers recently promoted from individual contributor who want to set themselves up for success

  • Experienced managers with new responsibilities who want to kick off the quarter with confidence

  • Early stage founders who want to put a bit of structure into their organisations without going overboard

  • Managers of managers who need a framework they can easily coach their managers with

  • Senior individual contributors who want to increase their impact and become managers in future


  • Drowning in complexity: Create a strategy that helps you cut through to the core, prioritise, and simplify.

  • Struggling to align with Managers and Stakeholders: Learn to speak their language and earn their trust.

  • Meetings get in the way of real work: Run kick-ass meetings that build momentum and get things done, every time.

  • Losing track of progress or blindsided by problems: Build regular detailed accountability that engages them fully.

  • Team complains of being micromanaged: Learn the structure of delegation that empowers them and gives you leverage.

Four Weeks to build your Execution Flywheel

These are the exact proven methods that I've been teaching to my executive clients over the past few years, with great results. They're adapted from exactly what other successful leaders do in companies like Google and Amazon, as well as many startups. They aren't secret, but they are valuable, and I'll help you use them and put them together into a flywheel.

Week 1

  • Leadership: Managers and Empowered Teams

  • Data: Weekly Business Reviews

  • Strategy: One Page Strategy

Week 2

  • Goals: Objectives and Key Results

  • Plans: One Page Plan

  • Alignment: Write-Review-Revise Cycle

Week 3

  • Execution: Quarterly and Weekly Cadences

  • Weekly Meetings: Kick-Ass Meeting Agendas

  • Problem Solving: Deep Dives and Systems Building

Week 4

  • Innovation: Dear Customer Letter, PR&FAQs

  • Iteration: Strategy Revision, Retrospectives

  • Adaptation: How to adapt to your context

Week 5 - building a high performing team

A High Performing Team is the engine that powers your flywheel. I'll teach you how to build and grow that engine.

  • Team Building: Hiring, Developing, Rewarding, Promoting … and Firing

  • Raising The Bar: Learn the secret behind Amazon's people processes

Bonus Module - build your career

To make sure you really get value from this course, I'm throwing in this bonus module which will help you get a lasting career boost.

Bonus Week 6

Don't wait for someone to reward you for your results, make it happen on your terms.

  • Career Boost: Stakeholder Management, Personal Branding, Interviewing Secrets

  • Personal Productivity: Set up your ideal week, build systems, and get things done like never before

PDF Workbook and Digital Templates

You'll also get a PDF workbook that will walk you through the whole process, and all activities, as well as access to reusable templates for each tool with a PDF guide for each that you can share with your colleagues and teams.

Bonus Community of Peers

You'll be a foundational (life) member of the Scaleup Leaders Network, an online community of peers who support each other to scale as leaders.

  • Ongoing Accountability from peers in a structured support network.

  • Build Relationships with other leaders in similar companies and functions around the world.

  • Discuss and Learn from each other about how best to address your specfic challenges.

  • Practice Coaching in a safe space so you develop the breadth of experience to meet any situation.

  • Access a Growing Library of content to help you become the best leader and manager you can be.

Perhaps even more than the content and course itself, this community will transform you.This community is worth EUR 50 per month - and you get it free, forever.

Bonus Free 1:1 Coaching Session

As a participant of this early cohort of Scaleup Leaders Foundations, you'll also get a free 60 minute 1:1 coaching session with me to work through whatever topics you need specific help with in relation to your team, business, strategy or stakeholders.This is EUR 400 value alone.

Join Now

The introductory pricing is not going to last. Comparable courses can be 2-3x as expensive.I'm offering it at a low price now, because while I know this stuff works, this is the first time I'm offering it as a course, and I want to reward you for being the first cohort.

Super Early bird price: €1000 + VAT

Price goes up in

    The price goes up to €1200 + VAT on May 28 2024

    Sign up by entering your email address here

    And remember, you'll also get access to all these bonuses:

    • Bonus Career Boost module - EUR 250 value

    • Foundation Membership of the Scaleup Leaders Network - EUR 50 value per month, for life!

    • 1:1 Coaching Session with me - EUR 400 value

    Want it self-paced?

    Maybe you're on a budget, or just want to learn on your own, not in a live cohort.If there's sufficient interest in this, I'll put together a self-paced training course with all the same content, plus the PDF Workbook, and you'll get 3 months access to the Scaleup Leaders Community (with a weekly live peer coaching session).

    Self-paced price: €150 + VAT

    Sign up below, and share it with your friends and colleagues.Once I get to critical mass, I'll announce it to you - with an additional discount for signing up early, with €50 off the full price.

    Want it for your team or Company?

    When you've got a team of leaders who need a common operating system to scale themselves, you may want a custom engagement.We can do a closed course, customised for your specific needs, and integrate with your internal L&D systems.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: Who is this for?
    A: People managers and managers of managers in any function, who are managing €
    "knowledge workers". Ideally working in a product company, or one transforming to become a product company.
    Q: What about Product Managers and Tech Leads, or those aiming to become a people manager?
    A: Yes, this will be applicable, though you may have to adapt a few concepts to the non-people manager role.
    Q: Who is this not for?
    A: Most individual contributors and managers of trades, blue collar or highly operational teams may not find this relevant. If you're interested, please let me know and I'll set up a dedicated stream.
    Q: What about Executives?
    A: I have presented this to CEOs and C-Teams of 400+ person companies, who have adopted it and found it valuable. However, please contact me directly and we'll set up a dedicated stream with peers for you.
    Q: When will the live sessions be run?
    A: Tuesday afternoons at 3pm CEST (2pm BST, 9am EDT, 11pm AEST), starting June 11 for six weeks.
    Q: Will the sessions be recorded?
    A: The group parts will be recorded, but the breakouts will not. You'll get much more value by attending live, so block your calendars for those times and plan to connect.
    Q: What technology will we use?
    A: Zoom for the live sessions, for the community, Google docs for exercises (though you can copy the notes and use any other tool you prefer).
    Q: What is the refund policy?
    A: If you do the work (attend the sessions, do the exercises) in good faith, but are not completely happy, send an email and I'll refund you 100%.

    What is my approach?

    I teach you to use practical tools that get results without needing to learn a lot of theory. You'll learn the theory by using the tools.You will spend your time on your own work, applying these tools as you go. And you'll learn with the support of experts and peers, so you can learn different variations and get practical help.

    “If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don't bother trying to teach them. Instead give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking.”

    - R. Buckminster Fuller

    How else you can Work with me


    I typically work with executive teams to help solve the specific challenges they encounter. We start with a discovery process, and work to build buy-in and change, while minimising the time commitment you need to invest.Check out my website on and you can book a call there.

    Executive Coaching

    I will help you apply these principles so you can scale yourself and your team.Typically we work together three times a month, under a monthly retainer model. Book a free call for a chemistry session:

    Who have I worked with?

    If you'd like to understand who I've worked for in the past, my clients are typically CEOs of scaleups, CxOs and VPs of mid-size companies, and Directors or VPs in large enterprises.They are most often based in Europe, but I have clients from as far as San Francisco and Melbourne.




    Companies I've worked for

    Who have I worked with?




    Companies I've worked for

    What do my clients say?

    I've worked with literally hundreds of people. Here's a small selection of testimonials about my work:

    What do my clients say?

    I've worked with literally hundreds of people. Here's a small selection of testimonials about my work:

    What do I Believe In?

    Customer Centricity

    "Start with the customer and work backwards" - Steve JobsI start with your pains and needs and work backwards to the right solutions from there.And I help you do the same with your customers.


    Empowering people means there are more brains being applied to identifying and executing the right strategy - and winning customers."With empowered teams, you don't need less management, you need better management" - Marty CaganI help empower both employees and managers, right up to the top.


    One size does not fit all.What works for Google with their 150,000 people, their culture, and their business, won't work for you unchanged.I help you adapt from the best in ways that work for your people, culture, and business.

    Do I write content?

    Social Media Channels

    I'm most active on LinkedIn, so please connect or follow me there first. My Twitter is mostly derived from my LinkedIn content.You'll also find some of my video content on YouTube - some of it is also on LinkedIn, but there's also some unique content there.

    Scaleup Leaders Newsletter

    About every two weeks, I send a newsletter that helps hundreds of people lead and manage better.Sometimes it's practical how-tos, sometimes it's stuff that will get you thinking or inspire you, and sometimes it's links to interviews or other content I've produced that I think you will value.You can unsubscribe any time, and I won't let your email address get used for anything else.


    Over more than 20 years, I've worked for two of the world's most successful companies (Google and Amazon), consulted for some of the world’s largest enterprises, and helped some of the fastest growing scaleups build their management systems.I've been a software developer, a product leader, led customer service, and worked in every area of sales and marketing.I've been an individual contributor, a product leader, a c-suite executive, managed teams of over 100 people, and had responsibility for a P&L measured in the billions.I've always had a passion for understanding how business, leadership and management work.But it's not about me. It's about you.I get energy from helping people like you succeed.You inspire me.You are why I do what I do.Have a great day and scale well!

    © 2024 Russell and Company SARL-S
    All rights reserved.


    Scaleup Leaders Newsletter

    About every two weeks, I send a newsletter that helps hundreds of people lead and manage better.Sometimes it's practical how-tos, sometimes it's stuff that will get you thinking or inspire you, and sometimes it's links to interviews or other content I've produced that I think you will value.You can unsubscribe any time, and I won't let your email address get used for anything else.

    Social Media Channels


    Thank you

    Thank you for joining the newsletter.A confirmation message is on its way - once you click on the link there, I'll send an intro message!

    © 2024 Russell and Company SARL-S
    All rights reserved.

    Check your inbox!

    Thank you

    Thanks for signing up to join the Scaleup Leaders Foundations Course. I'll send you an email asking for some additional information to put on the invoice - please respond, and I'll send you an invoice (I'm still in the process of setting up automated payments!)

    © 2024 Russell and Company SARL-S
    All rights reserved.

    Check your inbox!

    Thank you

    Thanks for your interest in the Scaleup Leaders Self-paced Course. I'll send you an email to say hello - please check your inbox to make sure you got the message (this is how I'll announce formal launch), and please do share this course with your network and colleagues to help build a critical mass so I can launch!

    © 2024 Russell and Company SARL-S
    All rights reserved.